Molecular engineering of polymer coacervates into functional hybrid materials: energy storage and beyond by Prof Alamgir Karim (University of Houston, USA)

Imperial College

June 3

617, Roderic Hill Building

Join us for a highlight lecture given by Professor Alamgir Karim from University of Houston, USA.

Molecular engineering of polymer coacervates into functional hybrid materials: energy storage and beyond

When and Where

Monday 3 June 10.00-11.00

617 Roderic Hill Building – The easiest way to get to the room is to enter through the Roderic Hill Build entrance on Prince Consort Road. Take the lift up to level 6. The lecture will be held in room 617 which is through the clear doors that say. “The Sargent Centre for Process Systems Engineering”. Please note that you will need your college card to enter Roderic Hill and the sargent centre doors.


Dr. Alamgir Karim, the Dow Chair Professor and Director of the Doctoral Materials Program at the University of Houston, is a distinguished researcher with a diverse range of interests and contributions to the field of polymer nanotechnology. His work spans multiple areas with a particular focus on thin films, surfaces, and interfaces, exploring their applications in energy, sustainability, and human health. Dr. Karim’s research extends to the fascinating realm of polymer nanocomposites, including nanoparticle polymer systems, polymer blend phase separation, and block copolymer thin film ordering. Additionally, his expertise encompasses the development of innovative materials such as elastomers-based systems and polymer thin films for functional applications. His impressive h-index of 70, extensive publication record, and leadership in organizing international conferences highlight his significant contributions to the field of polymer research. Furthermore, Dr. Karim’s work intersects with emerging areas of study, such as the use of graphene oxide membranes for desalination and investigations into dielectric properties and separation applications, reinforcing his commitment to pushing the boundaries of materials science and engineering. In addition, Dr. Karim is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, as well as a recipient of the prestigious Keck Foundation Award.

About The Institute for Molecular Science and Engineering

The Institute for Molecular Science and Engineering (IMSE) is one of Imperial College London’s Global Institutes, drawing on the strength of its four faculties to address some of the grand challenges facing the world today. The Institute’s activities are focused on tackling problems where molecular innovation plays an important role.

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