Steroids for BPD: Is intratracheal budesonide mixed with surfactant the silver bullet?” Prof Brett Manley

Imperial College

June 3

G16, Sir Alexander Fleming Building

Brett is a consultant neonatologist at The Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne and a Professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Newborn Health at The University of Melbourne. He leads and collaborates on large clinical trials to improve outcomes for sick and preterm infants. Currently he is co-leading the implementation of the PLATIPUS Adaptive Platform Trial in Australia and New Zealand that will revolutionise the way clinical trials for preterm infants are conducted in the region.

Previous randomised trials have suggested that intratracheal budesonide, mixed with surfactant to deliver it effectively to the lungs, is a highly promising therapy to reduce the combined outcome of death or BPD in very low birth weight infants. The PLUSS trial aimed to confirm these findings in a large, pragmatic, international, randomised trial that enrolled over 1000 extremely preterm infants and completed recruitment in 2023. In his presentation, Brett will discuss the methods and results of the PLUSS trial and implications for clinical practice and research.

Side note: Brett has a dog called “Buddy”, which is short for “budesonide”.

Part of the Mohn / PaeCH joint seminar series for 2024.  Please join us in the lobby after the lecture for drinks and networking.

Further Information

Centre for Paediatrics and Child Health

The Centre for Paediatrics and Child Health at Imperial College London welcomes anyone and everyone who is concerned with the wellbeing of children, whether as a researcher, clinician, and educator of whatever discipline. We aim to reach out across College and West London to foster collaboration for the benefit of the present and future generations of children, our most precious asset.

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At the Centre for Paediatrics and Child Health, our mission is to foster collaboration in healthcare and research for the benefit of children now and in the future.

We are a voice for children within Imperial and beyond, whether that means engaging with children and their families, driving forward world-class research, or equipping the next generation of scientists to ensure the future of excellence in paediatrics and child health.

At the Centre, we bring together researchers, clinicians and educators from many disciplines both within Imperial College and the NHS in West London to collaborate on shared challenges. Basic scientists work closely with care providers to facilitate the translation of scientific breakthroughs into care, while clinicians bring unique experience and insights from the frontline of patient care to inform our programmes of research. Thanks to this multidisciplinary, collaborative approach, we are constantly advancing the field of children’s healthcare and research and helping to ensure the best possible start to life for every child, here and across the world.

Whether your family’s life has been affected by the Centre for Paediatrics and Child Health’s work, or you’d like to make a gift to support ground-breaking research into children’s health and wellbeing, we’re here to help you find out more about philanthropy and how your generosity can make a difference.

Get in touch with Lucie Thiele, Development Manager, Faculty of Medicine to find out more about giving to the Centre for Paediatrics and Child Health

Mohn Centre for Childrens Health and Wellbeing

Getting the right early start to life is essential for a child’s development and their life-long health.

Many factors impact this early start including access to green space, mobile phone usage and socio-economic disparity, which all influence the likelihood of developing certain health conditions.

With close to two billion children in the world, children, young people and their families deserve to have their views championed and the opportunity to inform research topics which matter most to them.

The Mohn Centre for Children’s Health and Wellbeing will unpick the complex network of interactions between environmental, behavioural, genetic and molecular factors to address important physical and mental health challenges and health inequalities. The Centre will provide information and evidence which promote good health to our local community and beyond. We will be an advocate for the good health of children and young people amongst policy makers to ensure our research is far-reaching with a great impact. Our research and partnerships will transform urban living for children, particularly those in society’s most deprived communities.

The Mohn Centre was established following a transformational gift from Marit Mohn to create a world-leading centre for children’s health and wellbeing in the School of Public Health. The Mohn Centre unites expertise from across Imperial College London, community partners, local authorities and health and care organisations to pursue research and education on the understanding and prevention of children’s health issues.