New Perspectives on Law and Literature, Malet Street Room G16.


June 26

Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

Wouter Werner (Free University Amsterdam) 'Krapp's Last Tape and the UN: Security Council Resolutions as Autobiographical Texts'

Stephen Humphreys (LSE) ''A rather liquid world': Beckett at the end'

Patrick Hanafin (Birkbeck) 'Postcolonial Law Between Speech and Violence: Inoperativity in Samuel Beckett's Molloy'

Paul Raffield (Warwick and Honorary Research Fellow Birkbeck) 'The Oneiric Imagination and the Dream of Law'

Julia Chryssostalis (University of Westminster) 'Melville, Schmitt, and Fanon on the San Dominick'

Jaco Barnard-Naude (University of Capetown and Visiting Professor Birkbeck) 'Modernism and the Lack of Justice: Law, Poetry and Psychoanalysis in Kandinsky, Rothko and Kentridge'

Nathan Moore (Birkbeck) 'It's after the end of the world, don't you know that yet? Law, language and myth-science'

Piyel Haldar (Birkbeck) 'Does Stanley Fish need a bicycle? Non-consequential thoughts on absurdity in the law'